A lot has happened in forty years. Current day CNC capabilities, vastly improved oils and coolants, and significant strides in tooling technology has made the gundrilling job easier, allowing capabilities not possible a few decades ago. But the basics remain the same.
The Handbook takes it’s reader down both paths, showing what’s possible while tempering his or her thinking with the basic fundamentals of the process, providing all the info one needs to effect successful drilling. It would take one several hundred hours to compile all the information presented here. Whether one is experienced or just starting to explore the process, The Handbook has all the real world answers one is looking for!
Big savings start the moment you open The Handbook! How much is that nagging gundrilling problem costing? How much time will one spend researching the right drilling approach for that new product? Is there a better way to perform existing operations? The Handbook answers just about any question one might ask, giving the knowledge to address gundrilling applications with a newfound confidence.
The Handbook covers the Gundrilling process in a simple, straightforward building block manner. It’s spiral bound, compact format is designed for ‘down and dirty’ shop use.
PRICE $79.99
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